Thursday, January 7, 2010

THRIFTY THURSDAYS: 15 Ways to Save while Staying Fit

1.Are you a loner or do you need the impact of a friend/team? Some of us are great at setting goals and just doing it. Others need to get a buddy to be accountable to. What is your nature? Design you system around this first.

2. Swap Workout VHS/DVDs with friends. Almost everyone has a workout tape sitting at home. Get a group of friends together to swap tapes weekly to keep your workouts interesting and your body guessing.

3. Gather a group of friends. Go to the park and play flag football, soccer, basketball, tennis or even a high energy game of freeze tag.

4. Share a Wii Fit with friends. So many people have Wii Fits now, get a group together for a weekly Wii yoga session.

5. Have a Dog? Get in shape with your favorite furry friend! They need to stay strong and fit too. Throw around the frisbee, run around the dog park or take walks in the park. If you don't have a dog ask to borrow your neighbors. They will thank you for it!

6. Learn to use your body as your strength training weights, there is no need for expensive equipment. And there are lots of video resources on youtube.

7. Walk or run your way to health. All you need is a good pair of running shoes.

8. Walk at lunch. During the winter, it is often too cold or dark to walk in the morning or evening, so go into work early and then walk at lunch when the sun is out and more palatable.

9. Buy used equipment on Craig's list, eBay, or other online merchant. Often people think they will like a certain kind of workout, but really don't.

10. Shop around for a fitness club. What is most important to you? A pool? A basketball court? A sauna? Many clubs give you 30 days free or a certain amount of free visits. Try them out in the winter. Assess you budget, if your purse strings can hold out go for it. If not, once the winter breaks go back to your walking shoes.

11. Go to the mall in bad weather. Its warm and free, but be careful of the window displays!

12. Take the stairs at work and try to make it a challenge with your co-workers. Who can take the stairs the most times in a day/week/month?

13. Ask friends if they have old workout equipment lying around you could borrow, swap, or trade for. Get fun and creative with the payoff, like I get your treadmill and in return I will cook you dinner once a week for 6 weeks.

14. Some of us need that extra boost of a personal trainer to keep us motivated. To cut down on the cost see if your personal trainer will train you and a few friends. This way you could split the cost in half or even thirds!

15. Go dancing! Its a great way to meet people, stay in shape and have fun. Check craigslist or a local event site to check out the different venues and types of dances there are in your area.

by: Gracie Mohr

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