Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Buyer beware - Roth Conversions are Hot!

I just got a spam e mail with these headlines:

Millions of dollars are being transferred!
HUGE commissions are being generated!
Here's how to get your share of this exploding market.

Doesn't this just make you sick? Where is the client in this headline? What about the impact to the client on their goals, dreams and the cash flow to make it all happen?

Obviously the person who spammed me did not know that Mackey Advisors is a fee only firm, and so generating commissions is not our gig.

So my advice is buyer beware. Proceed with caution on Roth conversions. Do the math and see if it makes sense for you - does a Roth conversation make it easier or more difficult for you to reach your goals? This is the question that you must answer before taking action.

Do not go into fear over tax rates of the future. Take a breathe, run the numbers, do you homework. Then take action.

May prosperity be yours,
Mackey McNeill, CPA/PFS
CEO and President
Mackey Advisors

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