Monday, December 14, 2009

Focusing on the “Important” and not on the “Urgent”

by Mackey McNeill

Several years ago, my weekly schedule was structured around working in my Covington office three days a week and in my home office two days a week. It was a transformative time for the firm, and it gave me the freedom to work ON my business rather than IN my business, focusing on the important and non-urgent matters of the firm rather than the daily tasks associated with its function. That much focus and attention paid to entrepreneurial, visionary work was time well spent and resulted in a new foundation for Mackey Advisors. In fact, it worked so well that I quit doing it! Maybe you have had a similar experience. Something worked so well, you think you’re finished and you return to an old routine.

My abnormal schedule drew questions from my peers, as its “normal” to go the office five days a week. People would ask me, “What do you do at home two days a week?” I would explain that I spent it working “on” my business by connecting with key customers, reviewing my strategic plan, updating my budget and projections and thinking through new ideas and processes. I would watch as they run my response through their judgment filter, thinking, “Mackey is goofing off two days a week.”

In Stephen Covey’s work, he calls it the Four Quadrants. Click here for the quadrant matrix It is Quadrant 2, focusing on the Important and Non-urgent matters, that allow us to make quantum leaps in our lives. During my work-at-home period, I focused heavily on Quadrant 2 activity, and saw tremendous growth and positive change in my business.

For 2010, I have lots of goals…and one big schedule change. I am ready to return to a regular work-at-home schedule, dedicating focused attention on strategic matters that will continue to define Mackey Advisors as the leader in innovative financial services.

As of January 1, 2010, I am going to schedule one work-at-home day per week. My goal is to be so effective with this strategy as to allow me to reduce my schedule to a four day work week (three in the Covington office and one in my home office) by July 1st 2010. The extra day I create will be used to play, garden, fly fish, and spend time on community projects relative to greening the environment and creating a more sustainable world. Some might see that as “goofing off”, but I prefer to see it as a way to nurture my creativity, to deliver results in additional areas for which I have passion, and to expand upon the legacy I wish to leave for future generations.

The new year is a natural time for new beginnings. Why not take an evening, or just a quiet hour to assess the Important and Non urgent matters in your business and your personal life, especially with regard to your spouse or your children? Find the one big change you will make in your life in 2010 and prepare to leap into a new vision of your life.

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